How Politics Relates to Economics

THE COINCIDENCES IN LIFE ARE AMAZING. I was a young economics student when the Soviet Union began to collapse, and it was fascinating. We had a visiting professor from Moscow teach a class on the economics of communism, which was one of the best classes I took in college. I was so fascinated that I accidently…

Read The Quarterly Reports

Happy New Year!

We limped to the finish but 2024 was still a good year. What does that mean for 2025? There is lots of talk about the low odds of the market having three big years in a row, but that is all talk; no one who has actually looked at the data would come to that conclusion.

Read Iron Capital Insights

Third Quarter 2024

Well that did not take long. Last quarter we talked about the haves and the have nots: The market narrowed dramatically and AI-driven technology was the only area that produced positive results. We knew this was not sustainable, but we had no idea it would change so dramatically so quickly.

Read Capital Market Reviews

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