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Month: June 2013

  • Iron Capital Perspectives
  • June 20, 2013
  • Chuck Osborne

The Third Arrow

Ben Bernanke announced yesterday that the Federal Reserve (Fed) sees improvement in the economy and that if (and this is a big if) improvement continues, the Fed will begin tapering (not stopping and certainly not reversing) its bond-buying program known as quantitative easing or QE3. The reaction: stocks down more than a percent in the…

  • Iron Capital Perspectives
  • June 6, 2013
  • Chuck Osborne

“You Are An Obsession, You’re My Obsession…”

There were a lot of great songs written in the 1980s but, with all respect to any Animotion fans out there, this one probably wasn’t one of them. Like a lot of ‘80s music it will stay with you, and to anyone who finds themselves accidentally singing “Obsession” on your way home tonight I certainly…