• Wall Street is in the business of generating fees for Wall Street. Period. It’s not in the business of getting good investment results. You have to be separate from Wall Street to do that.

    Michael F. Price

Founder’s Letter

Dear Friends,

We formed Iron Capital in 2003 when I left Invesco Retirement and partnered with Larry Gray to start a firm that conducted business in what I believe is the right way. Iron Capital is more than a firm to me; it’s my dream. I truly have a passion for investing and for helping clients build their futures. Yet as I worked my way up in the investment industry, I was constantly disturbed by two major flaws: the industry is rife with conflicts of interest, and the end investor often has no access to competent advice or guidance. The final straw came as I witnessed too many people lose half or more of their assets in the bear market of 2000-2002. I felt I had to do something to help, and from that desire, Iron Capital was born – a firm where investors like you can get direct access to expert investment counsel.

Wall Street is broken. I believed that in 2003, and it proved true in 2008. Investors are tired of not knowing where their money really is. They are tired of the layers of fees and hidden expenses. They are tired of being sold products from clerks who claim to be advisors, and tired of trusting people who don’t know what they are doing and don’t have the client’s best interest at heart.

To fix it, we must get back to basics. We must move away from playing the market and buying Wall Street’s products and get back to investing in companies – real companies that produce real products and create real jobs.

Investors want to do business with a firm they can trust, where they know the principals and have direct access to the people actually managing money. They want to do business with a firm that puts its clients’ interest first by taking a fiduciary role.

That firm is Iron Capital and this is our story.

Thank you,

Charles E. Osborne, Co-founder and Managing Director