Trust: Trust is the cornerstone of our firm. As investment professionals, our reputation and our clients’ trust are our most important assets. Clients must trust their advisers to be honest and act with integrity, to be experts in their profession, and to put the client’s best interest before their own. Such trust is ultimately earned over time, and at Iron Capital our guiding principles and our structure assure your trust is well-placed.
Independence: One cannot serve two masters. We work only for our clients, have only their best interests at heart, and do not accept any revenue other than the fees agreed upon by our clients. All investment decisions are made by professionals with real investment analysis and management experience who have earned the Chartered Financial Analyst designation, not by untrained sales reps, stock brokers, or financial planners. Our independent structure not only ensures our clients are insulated from the conflicts of interest that plague our industry, but also affords us direct decision-making ability for managing clients portfolios in times of crisis and opportunity alike.
Service: We are passionate about providing meaningful service to our clients, to our community, and to our profession. All client accounts are separately managed, and while we allocate your investments based on proprietary models, we are not blindly using the models as static vehicles. We’ve stripped away the layers between you and the investment decision-makers, giving you direct access to the managers handling your funds, so that our investment team can tailor your portfolio to your specific circumstances. Moreover, our own funds are invested alongside yours, fortifying our laser focus on asset management and ensuring our personal interests are aligned with your goal of achieving the strongest performance possible. Externally, all Iron Capital employees are involved with at least one community and one professional organization of personal importance to them, as we strongly believe in giving back to the communities we serve.