Recent Quarterly

Archives: Quarterly

  • Iron Capital Perspectives
  • Second Quarter 2024
  • Iron Capital Advisors

Are You Well?

These are the steps to financial wellness. Like physical wellness, they are more of a journey than a destination. In both cases it is an ongoing process, and there will be ups and downs, forward progress and setbacks. When the setbacks happen, we must brush ourselves off and get back on course.

  • Iron Capital Perspectives
  • First Quarter 2024
  • Iron Capital Advisors

What Did He Just Say?

Diversification in investing is one of the most sacred yet most misunderstood concepts. To some degree this is on purpose. One should never forget that Wall Street is in the transaction business: The more transactions an investor makes, the better, and no concept has led to more transactions than diversification. Real diversification, however, is about carefully selecting investments that are truly different and will likely do well under different circumstances.

  • Iron Capital Perspectives
  • Fourth Quarter 2023
  • Iron Capital Advisors

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

Patience is a virtue: I have been reminded of that lesson over the last year. We have been recovering from the 2022 bear market, and it has been a frustratingly slow process. Things started off looking better, yet it was only seven stocks that were going up while everything else went nowhere or even down. Then finally the wind came back around and we ended 2023 with a strong rally. I am happy to say that we were well-positioned for that rally and delivered very good results for our clients, but that is not the point of this lesson.

  • Iron Capital Perspectives
  • Third Quarter 2023
  • Iron Capital Advisors

Beware of Yeast

Yeast is a very small thing, but the difference it makes in bread is huge. In the institutional retirement plan world, there is very little difference between doing the right thing for plan participants and covering one’s behind – DTRT or CYA? The difference in action is no bigger than a single grain of yeast, but oh my what a difference it makes in outcomes.

  • Iron Capital Perspectives
  • Second Quarter 2023
  • Iron Capital Advisors

Artificial Distribution

We have just experienced one of the strangest quarters that I can remember. At the beginning of June, Goldman Sachs research indicated that all of the return for the S&P 500 year-to-date through May was attributed to just seven stocks; the other 493 stocks in the S&P 500 have an average return of zero, nada, zilch. How did that happen?