Archives: Quotes

  • Iron Capital Perspectives

Warren Buffett 2

The broker is not your friend. He’s more like a doctor who charges patients on how often they change medicines. And he gets paid far more for the stuff the house is promoting than for the stuff that will make you better.

  • Iron Capital Perspectives

Warren Buffett 3

Don’t own a stock for ten minutes if you don’t intend to own it for ten years.

  • Iron Capital Perspectives

Warren Buffett 4

Risk in investment is not knowing what you are doing.

  • Iron Capital Perspectives

Michael F. Price

Wall Street is in the business of generating fees for Wall Street. Period. It’s not in the business of getting good investment results. You have to be separate from Wall Street to do that.

  • Iron Capital Perspectives

Philip Arthur Fisher

The stock market is filled with individuals who know the price of everything, but the value of nothing.