What are the downsides to indexing? Why is indexing not actually passive? Inspired by recently published articles on the topic, Chuck and Michael revisit a discussion of indexing, covered in our Q4 2010 Quarterly Report newsletter. Let’s explore.
YouTube – Click here to watch the video version.
WSJ: Why We Risk a Cartoon Version of Capitalism – https://www.wsj.com/finance/investing/why-we-risk-a-cartoon-version-of-capitalism-83d8e7d4?reflink=desktopwebshare_permalink
MFS: Indexing Dilutes Capitalism – https://www.mfs.com/content/dam/mfs-enterprise/mfscom/insights/2024/February/pdfs/mfse_fly_2561157.pdf
The Quarterly Report, Q4 2010: Indexing Is Evil! – https://ironcapitaladvisors.com/quarterly/indexing-is-evil/