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  • Podcast
  • October 3, 2023
  • Iron Capital Advisors

Episode 5: Risk – What Would Jimmy Buffett Do? Lessons for investing and life.

The Iron Capital Podcast
The Iron Capital Podcast
Episode 5: Risk - What Would Jimmy Buffett Do? Lessons for investing and life.

YouTube – Click here to watch the video version.

Sadly we lost Jimmy Buffett on September 1 last month. Inspired by his life and career, in this episode Chuck and Michael explore risk, and how investment and life share the same lessons. Let’s explore.

“Risk in investment is not knowing what you are doing.” – Warren Buffett

“They weren’t trying to be safe. They were trying to become competent – and it’s competence that makes people as safe as they can truly be.” – Jordan Peterson

“People – including children – don’t seek to minimize risk. They seek to optimize it.” – Jordan Peterson

“We got to roll with the punches, play all our hunches, make the best of whatever comes your way.”
Jimmy Buffett

“Come Monday, it’ll be alright.” – Jimmy Buffett

YouTube – Click here to watch the video version.